The Lobster (2015) Online Streaming

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The Lobster 2015 Online Streaming | Fuld - HD Player farhadhassan

It is clear complete beskrivelse af The Lobster nedenfor:

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The Lobster the correct film produced by Haut et Court, Eurimages, Lemming Film, Element Pictures, Nederlands Fonds voor de Film, Canal+, Greek Film Center, Film4, Ciné+, Centre National du Cinéma et de L'image Animée (CNC), Faliro House Productions, Scarlet Films, Institut Français, L'Aide aux Cinémas du Monde, Limp Films, Ministère des Affaires étrangères et du Développement International, Protagonist Films, using beskrivelse af filmen er "'The Lobster' foregår i en dystopisk fremtid, hvor det er ulovligt at være single. Enlige mennesker får 45 dage på et kurhotel, hvor de skal forsøge at finde sig en partner. Hvis det mislykkes, bliver de forvandlet til et dyr efter eget valg og får en ny chance for at finde en mage. Efter at være blevet forladt af sin kone tjekker den lavmælte David ind på hotellet sammen med sin bror, der er blevet til en hund. David har selv valgt hummeren, hvis det skulle ende galt. Under sit ophold forsøger han at navigere rundt i en absurd verden, der dikteres af ægtepar, og finder snart ud af, hvor langt man er villig til at gå for at finde kærligheden, før tiden rinder ud.". Filmen er produceret med fremragende grafisk kvalitet, bedste ear busting sound quality and finest bedste skuespillere.

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The Lobster 2015 Online Streaming | Fuld - HD Player farhadhassan

Streaming The Lobster 2015 Online Streaming | Fuld - HD Player farhadhassan

Co-Producer : Christos V. Konstantakopoulos, First Assistant Editor : Eoin McGuirk, Editor : Yorgos Mavropsaridis, Makeup Designer : Sharon Doyle, Casting Associate : Thyrza Ging, Stunt Coordinator : Giedrius Nagys, Casting : Jina Jay, Co-Producer : Joost de Vries, Line Producer : Cait Collins, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Johnnie Burn, Sound Re-Recording Mixer : Danny van Spreuwel, Screenplay : Efthymis Filippou, Visual Effects Supervisor : Pierre Buffin, Dialogue Editor : Danny van Spreuwel, Director : Yorgos Lanthimos, Executive Producer : Andrew Lowe, Producer : Ceci Dempsey, Director of Photography : Thimios Bakatakis, Visual Effects Supervisor : Olivier Cauwet, Producer : Lee Magiday, Assistant Art Director : Jessica Timlin, Co-Producer : Derk-Jan Warrink, Visual Effects Producer : Kristina Prilukova, Co-Producer : Carole Scotta, Screenplay : Yorgos Lanthimos, Executive Producer : Tessa Ross, Art Direction : Mark Kelly, Digital Intermediate : Jack Kuiper, Makeup Artist : Lucy Browne, Producer : Yorgos Lanthimos, Executive Producer : Sam Lavender, Casting : Louise Kiely, Sound Effects Editor : Simon Carroll, First Assistant Editor : Conor Mackey, Co-Producer : Leontine Petit, Producer : Ed Guiney, Production Design : Jacqueline Abrahams, Costume Design : Sarah Blenkinsop, Script Supervisor : Dave Moran, Foley : Ronnie van der Veer, Hair Designer : Eileen Buggy, Casting Associate : Karen Scully, Property Master : Jim Walsh, Armorer : John McKenna, Music Supervisor : Amy Ashworth, Gaffer : Barry Conroy
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Tags: dystopia,

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