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Notice an extensive beskrivelse af Mr. & Mrs. Smith nedenfor:
- Original titel : Mr. & Mrs. Smith
- Film titel : Mr. & Mrs. Smith
- År for film : 2005
- Genrer af film : Action, Komedie, Drama, Thriller,
- Status for film : Released
- Udgivelsesdato for film : 2005-06-07
- Virksomheder af film : 20th Century Fox, Weed Road Pictures, Dutch Oven, New Regency Productions, Summit Entertainment,
- Landene i film : United States of America,
- Sprog af film : English, Español,
- Varighed film : 120 Min
- Gennemsnitlig stemme af film : 6.5
- Youtube ID film : TWB_icm5M38
- Aktører film :Chris Weitz (Martin Coleman), Brad Pitt (John Smith), Theresa Barrera (Janet - Associate #3), Stephanie March (Julie - Associate #1), Sam Sabbah (Bodyguard #1), Jennifer Morrison (Jade - Associate #2), Vince Vaughn (Eddie), Keith David (Father), Kerry Washington (Jasmine), Perrey Reeves (Jessie - Associate #4), Melanie Tolbert (Jamie - Associate #5), Angelina Jolie (Jane Smith), Michelle Monaghan (Gwen), Adam Brody (Benjamin Danz), Rachael Huntley (Suzy Coleman)
Mr. & Mrs. Smith is one film excreted by 20th Century Fox, Weed Road Pictures, Dutch Oven, New Regency Productions, Summit Entertainment, featuring a beskrivelse af filmen er "For den almindelige iagttager lever hr. og fru Smith et helt almindeligt, halvkedeligt liv. Men i virkeligheden er de begge legendariske lejemordere, der arbejder for hver deres konkurrerende organisation. Da sammenhængen kommer for dagens lys går der ikke længe inden hr. og fru Smith er hinandens næste offer". Filmen er produceret med fremragende grafisk kvalitet, bedste ear busting sound quality and finest bedste skuespillere.
You are currently ur : Mr. & Mrs. Smith fra 20th Century Fox, Weed Road Pictures, Dutch Oven, New Regency Productions, Summit Entertainment, in Top Quality and which also are required to be udgivet your land. Take your favoritter øjeblikkeligt film, with all the skub of a switch! With the help of an ubegrænset proportion of båndbredde og indhold til at streame, ur your wishes, when you need!

Director : Doug Liman, Producer : Eric McLeod, Set Decoration : Victor J. Zolfo, Costume Design : Michael Kaplan, Producer : Arnon Milchan, Producer : Varina Bleil, Producer : Akiva Goldsman, Producer : Lucas Foster, Art Direction : Keith Neely, Casting : Michelle Morris, Production Design : Jeff Mann, Original Music Composer : John Powell, Director of Photography : Bojan Bazelli, Screenplay : Simon Kinberg, Editor : Michael Tronick, Producer : Patrick Wachsberger, Executive Producer : Erik Feig, Casting : Joseph Middleton
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